MMIRS (Available): an IR multi-object spectrograph and imager with a single Hawaii-II 2K science detector giving a spectral range of 0.9 – 2.4µm. The FOV in imaging mode is 7′ x 7′ and in MOS mode is 4′ x 7′. The available gratings give a resolving power of 1200 – 3000 with a 0.4″ slit with JH & HK blocking filters and YJHK filters are available for imaging.
MMIRS resides permanently at the MMT, and the observing is run in queue mode only. Astronomers do not need to be present at the MMT for their observations. If you have questions about queue observing, please contact a staff scientist.
Instrument Information
Detailed MMIRS instrument description for observers. Many technical questions about the detector, readouts, dispersers and filters, and so on are covered here.
Instrument paper
Submitting Targets
- About Queue Scheduling
- General Target Submission Information
- More Details on Using the MMT Queue Scheduler, with screen shots
- Setup for Imaging Targets
- Setup for Long Slit Targets
- Making the required Finding charts for MMIRS longslits
- Setup for Multi-Object Slit Mask Targets
- MMIRSMask – Interactive Mask Design Software
- Tips on MMIRS slitmask design
Raw data for all observations, and reduced data for spectra only, can be obtained by clicking the personalized link for your program, or by emailing the SAO Telescope Data Center helpdesk. The data reduction pipeline was written by I. Chilingarian.
Other Information
- Observing Manual (link is accessible from MMT, UA, SAO IP addresses, but may be restricted from elsewhere)
- Observing Manual in PDF
- Observing Protocols
- Original Slitmask Design Software (no longer in use; use MMIRSMask)
- Custom Dither Files for MMIRS Imaging Read this about custom dither files if you need to make a large dither (arcminutes), such as away from a large galaxy.